A Development of Ontology-Based Law Retrieval System:Focused on Railroad R&D Projects

Min-Jae Won, Dong-He Kim, Hae-Min Jung, Sang Keun Lee, June Seok Hong, Wooju Kim


Research and development projects in railroad domain are different from those in other domains in terms of their close relationship with laws. Some cases are reported that new technologies from R&D projects could not be industrialized because of relevant laws restricting them. This problem comes from the fact that researchers don’t know exactly what laws can affect the result of R&D projects. To deal with this problem, we suggest a model for law retrieval system that can be used by researchers of railroad R&D projects to find related legislation. Input of this system is a research plan describing the main contents of projects. After laws related to the R&D project is provided with their rankings, which are assigned by scores we developed. A ranking of a law means its order of priority to be checked. By using this system, researchers can search the laws that may affect R&D projects throughout all the stages of project cycle. So, using our system model, researchers can get a list of laws to be considered before the project they participate ends. As a result, they can adjust their project direction by checking the law list, avoiding their elaborate projects being useless.

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