A Study on the Method for Extracting the Purpose-Specific Customized Information from Online Product Reviews based on Text Mining

Joo Young Kim, Dong soo Kim


In the era of the Web 2.0, characterized by the openness, sharing and participation, it is easy for internet users to produce and share the data. The amount of the unstructured data which occupies most of the digital world’s data has increased exponentially. One of the kinds of the unstructured data called personal online product reviews is necessary for both the company that produces those products and the potential customers who are interested in those products. In order to extract useful information from lots of scattered review data, the process of collecting data, storing, preprocessing, analyzing, and drawing a conclusion is needed. Therefore we introduce the text-mining methodology for applying the natural language process technology to the text format data like product review in order to carry out extracting structured data by using R programming. Also, we introduce the data-mining to derive the purpose-specific customized information from the structured review information drawn by the text-mining.

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