Antibiotics-Resistant Bacteria Infection Prediction Based on Deep Learning
The World Health Organization (WHO) and other government agencies aroundthe world have warned against antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to abuse of antibiotics and are strengthening their care and monitoring to prevent infection. However, it is highly necessary to develop an expeditious and accurate prediction and estimating method for preemptive measures. Because it takes several days to cultivate the infecting bacteria to identify the infection, quarantine and contact are not effective to prevent spread of infection. In this study, the disease diagnosis and antibiotic prescriptions included in Electronic Health Records were embedded through neural embedding model and matrix factorization, and deep learning based classification predictive model was proposed. The f1-score of the deep learning model increased from 0.525 to 0.617when embedding information on disease and antibiotics, which are the main causes of antibiotic resistance, added to the patient’s basic information and hospital use information. And deep learning model outperformed the traditional machine hospital use information. And deep learning model outperformed the traditional machine learning models.As a result of analyzing the characteristics of antibiotic resistant patients, resistant patients were more likely to use antibiotics in J01 than nonresistant patients who were diagnosed with the same diseases and were prescribed 6.3 times more than DDD.
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