Comparison between Planned and Actual Data of Block Assembly Process using Process Mining in Shipyards
This paper proposes a method to compare planned processes with actual processes of bock assembly operations in shipbuilding industry. Process models can be discovered using the process mining techniques both for planned and actual log data. The comparison between planned and actual process is focused in this paper. The analysis procedure consists of five steps : 1) data pre-processing, 2) definition of analysis level, 3) clustering of assembly bocks, 4) discovery of process model per cluster, and 5) comparison between planned and actual processes per cluster. In step 5, it is proposed to compare those processes by the several perspectives such as process model, task, process instance and fitness. For each perspective, we also defined comparison factors. Especially, in the fitness perspective, cross fitness is proposed and analyzed by the quantity of fitness between the discovered process model by own data and the other data(for example, the fitness of planned model to actual data, and the fitness of actual model to planned data). The effectiveness of the proposed methods was verified in a case study using planned data of block assembly planning system (BAPS) and actual data generated from block assembly monitoring system (BAMS) of a top ranked shipbuilding company in Korea.
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