Metro Station Clustering based on Travel-Time Distributions

InTaek Gong, DongYun Kim, Yunhong Min


Smart card data is representative mobility data and can be used for policy development by analyzing public transportation usage behavior. This paper deals with the problem of classifying metro stations using metro usage patterns as one of these studies. Since the previous papers dealing with clustering of metro stations only considered traffic among usage behaviors, this paper proposes clustering considering traffic time as one of the complementary methods. Passengers at each station were classified into passengers arriving at work time, arriving at quitting time, leaving at work time, and leaving at quitting time, and then the estimated shape parameter was defined as the characteristic value of the station by modeling each transit time to Weibull distribution. And the characteristic vectors were clustered using the K-means clustering technique. As a result of the experiment, it was observed that station clustering considering pass time is not only similar to the clustering results of previous studies, but also enables more granular clustering.

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